Saturday, September 10, 2005

Kanye West: Speaker For The Dead

A lot of peeps asked me why I didn't post my comments as soon as Kanye said "George Bush doesn't care about Black People." I am not one to take a statement such as the above mentioned and twist it into my own personal views until it settles and there is time to reflect upon it. Kanye, in my eyes, has every right to say what he said because it's his opinion and nothing more. To do it during a national stage was a bit much for the conservatives out there but someone had to say it. I wonder if Kanye would have never said anything about the situation; would the head of FEMA, Brown, still be in charge? It's funny to see certain websites split down the middle on this. On some predominantly Black websites there is a lot of support for Kanye and his opinion where on predominantly White, conservative websites lambaste Mr. West for what he said. Are they afraid of the truth...because let me tell you the shocking truth; George Bush doesn't care about poor, black people. If Kanye would have added that one word into his statement he would have garnered a bit more support from the majority. Conservatives are acting like typical sheep right now in this time of need. The support after 11/09/2001 (proper way of noting the date BTW) was astonishing to say the least. If Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama received even half of that support there would have horror stories of children getting raped, people dying over water and food, or even helpless women being exploited so that they could be rescued.

It's so sad that right now in the United States of America in the year of 2005 the people affected by Hurricane Katrina did not get help for 6 days. However, I did say after the 2000 elections that we (including my state of Florida) in the south would face the wrath of God for eight years because of the corruption during the elections.

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