Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Political Ideology: Who I Really Am

Many times I have asked myself whether or not I am a liberal or a conservative. On an economic standpoint, I think the richer population should pay more taxes to help support the under-funded areas of our public services. I also think that the Government should protect the interests of the people instead of destroying them. Our crime rate is so high because many people are unemployed and are in a state of poverty. These social outcasts need to be working instead of being looked down upon or thrown in jail. The Government needs to stop building more penitentiaries and hiring more police officers; instead they should help to poor and unemployed to better themselves and in turn we will have a better America.
Abortion and women’s rights have long been a topic of controversy. I think that women have the right to do what they feel is right and should not be regulated like animals. If a woman wants an abortion then so be it. However, when it comes to prayer in public schools, my opinion is that the Government should allow it in schools because if our nation is built on the saying “In God we trust”, then why must our children grow up in a school system where that is not the case?
Human rights come first before the interests of the American people because if we support other nations, they in turn become our allies during times of war. War is something a never want to see, however, so I think that the Government should cut back spending in military expenses and use that same money to further better the lax and under-funded public school systems. So, as to answer whether or not I am a liberal or conservative, the answer is liberal.

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